Futurefarmers is a collective led by Amy Franceschini and Michael Swaine that includes an evolving roster of artists, designers, architects, scientists, and farmers.
A curator curating artists who curate other artists. It doesn’t get any more meta than that. The artworks collected in “The Artist’s Museum,” a nesting box of an exhibition organized by Dan Byers, are…
This smart show surveyed the work Charlotte Brooks made between 1951 and 1971, when she was the only woman photographer on staff at Look magazine, a competitor of the more popular Life…
Like many people who look at a lot of art, I am often guilty of "drive-by" viewings—I crane my neck to take in as much as possible via a gallery's window without breaking my stride, or else I pop in…
Objects, Italo Calvino observed, have a mysterious power. Drop a detailed description of an object into a wayward, boring story, and the narrative comes to life.
Before writing this review, I did the requisite Googling, looking up the three historical objects referenced in Michael Wang's show "Global Tone": a sculpture of a bison commissioned by Hermann Göring…
"What is it that an artist does when he is left alone in his studio?" Bruce Nauman famously asked. "My conclusion was that if I was an artist and I was in the studio, then everything I was doing in…
Remember cultural hybridity? From the late '80s to the mid-'90s, it was all the rage. Work by artists such as Edgar Heap of Birds, Jimmie Durham and David Hammons (categorized as "multicultural") co…